How Kybella Can Improve Your Profile

How Kybella Can Improve Your Profile

Kybella® is a non-surgical treatment option that involves injections underneath the chin to remove excess fat cells. This can improve your profile view by making a chin that may have too much fat (often referred to as a double chin) look more attractive. 

Kybella destroys fat cells underneath the chin

Anyone who is not happy with their appearance due to excess fat around their chin should consider how Kybella can benefit them. This review highlights what Kybella is, who the treatment is right for, what you can expect throughout the treatment process, and how the recovery process works after Kybella injections. 

What Kybella is and how it works

Kybella is an FDA-approved prescription medication that targets submental fat underneath the skin. The secret to its success is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that is completely safe to use. 

When Kybella may be right for you

Kybella may be right for you if you are unhappy with the appearance of your profile view due to excess fat in the chin area. Many refer to this as a “double chin.” According to Kybella, treatment may be recommended if the patient meets the following criteria:

  • The patient is self-conscious about fat underneath the chin
  • Excess fat underneath the chin makes you look older or heavier
  • You prefer a non-surgical method of treating excess fat under the chin
  • Exercise and eating right does not help with the excess chin fat

The best way to determine if Kybella is right for you is to visit a provider to discuss all available treatment options. 

What to expect during Kybella treatment

It is administered through injections into the affected area. The number of injections and the number of treatment sessions vary based on the patient’s desired results. Each treatment session only takes 15 to 20 minutes on average, and the patient does not need follow-up visits once the desired results are achieved and the patient makes a full recovery. 

The recovery process and longevity of Kybella

Kybella results often last a lifetime as the cells no longer trap fat after treatment. There may be some minor swelling, bruising, and numbness under the chin which should go away within a few days. Notify the Kybella provider if side effects last for more than a couple of days. 

Taking the first step for Kybella treatment

The first step for Kybella treatment is a consultation with a Kybella provider. During the first visit, they can discuss your treatment goals and determine how many injections are necessary for the first session. They may also schedule follow-up sessions each one month apart if necessary. 

Reach out today to schedule a Kybella treatment consultation

Are you interested in Kybella injections to target and remove excess fat underneath the chin? If so, then reach out to our friendly team today at our anti-aging wellness center. We take pride in helping our patients achieve a more attractive profile view, and we are here to guide you through every step of the treatment process.


Request an appointment here: or call Nuceria Health at (305) 398-4370 for an appointment in our Miami office.
Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Wellness Center in Miami, FL.

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