Understanding Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Fibroblast skin tightening targets the collagen- and protein-producing cells in the dermis. These cells are known as fibroblasts, and they are integral in healing skin wounds and maintaining skin tightness and elasticity. During fibroblast skin tightening, the practitioner uses a pen-like device to apply high-frequency electric currents to certain areas of the skin.
While the plasma tip never comes into contact with the skin, it releases a targeted current just above it — creating small holes known as micro-injuries in the skin's layer. This heat damage simultaneously breaks down proteins in the skin, stimulates tissue regeneration and fibroblast activity, and tightens the skin. This process is sometimes referred to as plasma skin resurfacing.

Benefits of Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Fibroblast skin tightening is a completely non-invasive procedure, meaning it requires little to no downtime and can be performed without a scalpel. As such, patients can return to their everyday lives right away. When performed by a trained professional, this procedure may treat acne scars, photoaging, seborrheic keratosis, and wrinkled skin.
It may also improve skin texture, tighten the skin, and even contour the skin to some degree. Some specialists also choose to use fibroblast skin tightening as an alternative to lip fillers. Additionally, according to one 2014 article, the effects of fibroblast skin tightening are expected to stimulate fibroblast production for up to a year after the procedure.

What Happens During Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Each fibroblast skin tightening procedure may vary depending on the patient's desired results, where they are having the treatment, the practitioner's methods, and more. However, the basic steps are generally always the same. First, we will cleanse the skin and apply a topical numbing cream. Patients may need to wait approximately 30 minutes for the cream to take effect.
Then, we will begin treating the targeted area with the plasma pen, creating small arcs of microcurrents. This will make small, scab-like dots on the skin. Afterward, we will remove the numbing cream to apply a cooling gel. This will minimize any tingling and burning sensations the patient may be feeling at this time. Altogether, the procedure typically takes around 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

Candidacy for Fibroblast Skin Tightening

Though fibroblast skin tightening can do wonders for one's appearance and confidence, it cannot dramatically improve the effects of aging. As such, the ideal candidate for this procedure has only mild-to-moderate skin wrinkling concerns. Additionally, patients should not undergo fibroblast skin tightening if they…

  • Are allergic to topical anesthetic preparations
  • Are breastfeeding
  • Are pregnant
  • Are using isotretinoin for wrinkles or acne
  • Have an infection in the targeted area
Patients with a history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring should also be extra cautious of this procedure, lest they end up with unwanted marks. Furthermore, all patients should discuss their treatment goals and any potential health concerns they may have with their practitioner ahead of time.

Side Effects of Fibroblast Skin Tightening

While fibroblast skin tightening is a generally safe procedure when performed by a trained professional, it still comes with its own unique set of risks and side effects. These may include:

  • Mild hypopigmentation (light spots)
  • Mild hyperpigmentation (dark spots)
  • Redness
  • Skin peeling and crusting
  • Swelling
Additionally, it is essential for all patients to set realistic expectations with their provider. Though the treatment has been proven effective, it cannot deliver the dramatic results of a surgical procedure. We can help determine one's desired results.

Call Us Today

Fibroblast skin tightening can improve one's skin in one non-invasive procedure. We at Nuceria Health can help. Call us today at (305) 398-4370 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Fibroblast skin tightening is entirely non-invasive, meaning there is no scalpel involved. Any discomfort is minimal, especially since we will apply a numbing cream prior to the procedure.
Results should be immediately apparent after the procedure, with full results showing up around three months. This is because further changes will occur as cell turnover occurs and collagen production increases.

This depends on your personal comfort levels and lifestyle. While you can return to your everyday activities immediately after the procedure, you may experience significant swelling of the treated area. You will also have crusts dotting the treated area. The swelling will take around two to five days to diminish, while the crusts will take five to seven days to fall off. However, these cosmetic issues are the only real hindrance to returning to everyday life immediately after treatment.

No, there is no preparation involved for this procedure. However, we do recommend that you refrain from applying cosmetic products on the treated area, especially if they contain alcohol. For your safety, please also notify us of any surgical or aesthetic procedures you have recently undergone. Also, if you are in a public-facing role, you may want to consider the possibility of working from home while waiting to recover.

It will take the small dots about one week to scab over and fall off after the procedure. As cell turnover occurs and collagen production increases, your skin will appear tighter and firmer over the next few weeks. It is important to note that some patients may require as much as three treatments before seeing noticeable results. For others, however, one treatment is sufficient.